With no confidence in my own brain power, but with long experience with both a loving and all-powerful God and with evil, I posit the following answers.
1. Evil is real. Modern humanists want desperately to hold an untenable position, that all people are basically good. Evidence to the contrary surrounds them. Given a choice, people choose evil. I do. You do. Good is real. So is evil. Education and technology are informed by morality, including evil. Highly educated people kill their spouses. The Internet is full of pornography. Terrorists fly planes into buildings in the name of religion. Why? Because evil is real.
2. This isn't Heaven. Political messiahs aside, this world is not heaven and will not become heaven apart from supernatural intervention. The design of this world includes natural disasters, sicknesses and trials of famine and drought. These cause humans to yearn for heaven and for heaven's Creator. These evils help us define Heaven. Heaven is the place where there is no evil.
3. Free will for everyone. The exercise of choice is powerful. Animals live instinctively and without a soul. Human life is different because humans possess a 'will,' or a "wanter" as one author said. And this will has freedom to choose in all philosophical areas including good and evil. Inevitably, free will means that some will choose to do evil. So evil exists because we choose it. God could have designed humanity as superior puppets, doing only His Will, and we never would have known the difference. But, God gave us free will to allow us to choose Him, His Way, His Truth.
4. No stacked deck. God did not stack the deck to influence our free will. For free choice to be free, both sides of the choice must be viable. Should God have given us free will but have made evil a non-viable, incomplete system with such obvious flaws that we would all see them and choose His Way everytime? Then the free exercise of our will and thought would not truly be free. So there is evil, an evil system including a personification (the devil), gratifying rewards (the good life now), and power (status, position and influence). A legitimate choice.
Of course, the God who is revealed to us through Jesus Christ and the choice of Light, Goodness, Truth and Love are the better choice, according to the Scriptures.
"And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it," says the apostle John (1:5)
Four short statements: Evil is real, This isn't Heaven, Free Will and No Stacked Deck. I urge you to develop your own answer to this question, or borrow and improve mine. We need to be prepared to give an answer, a reason for the hope that we have! Thinking people today need answers.

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