Friday, February 5, 2010

More Pictures From Ecuador Trip

Tasha is leading the lady in the blue shirt in the sinner's prayer. Pastor Osvaldo is praying in the foreground. The "house" was made with bamboo walls and cardboard wallpaper, a tin roof and a part dirt, part plank floor. Bedroom, living room and kitchen all together. It is observably true that the poor people of the world receive the Gospel with less argument and more willingness.

I am leading the sinner's prayer through Pastor Pedro, my partner and interpreter, for Julio and Clever. They are brothers, both with epilepsy. Their mother must care for them. The family business is a small bodega, run from their house. They came to church that night and they did NOT respond to the public invitation, which is good! That means that they understood that they had already received Christ during the morning!

We had eight more decisions for Christ that night at the church service. I preached on the Lost Sheep. See the girl crying? She began to cry as the invitation began and continued until we had completed the service. She and another lady were both in tears. I am praying for each one of them, as is the custom here.

Update from Guayaquil

This morning, I witnessed to a woman named "America" and she accepted the Lord. Next door I met "Christian" and he also accepted the Lord. So, today I have witnessed to America and Christian!

Pastor Osvaldo leads us into his neighborhood. The name of his church is Luz del Mundo (Light of the World) church.
Pastor Osvaldo was ready for us to arrive and to get busy in the neighborhood! We had 10 saved that morning in our personal visits.
After the visits, the pastor's wife served us chicken, rice, potatoes and bananas in their home.

This is David. He was very serious and talked with us a long time. He is currently unemployed and needs a job. He prayed for salvation very seriously and attended the church service that night with his young son.

Also, this morning, four of our group were robbed. Please pray for our safety in unfamiliar surroundings. Pray for our Ecuadorian hosts to be alert and sensitive to trouble spots. Pray that the Gospel will not be hindered!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Night of Work in Ecuador

We had a great (long) service at Dios Es Amor Church tonight, preparing for the week and meeting our pastor-partners. We are working with 23 different pastors this week from across this very large city. Here is some video of the evening's events.
It's late, and I'm going to bed now. Pray for us as we go out to witness tomorrow morning.

Monday, January 18, 2010

West Africans Baptized in the Ocean

I just returned from Togo, West Africa. It was my third trip to Togo with my home church, FBC Celina. We are working among the Lama-speaking people in the north. But, when we fly into Lome, we have many partners in Baptist churches there. This was the second time that Pastor Shalom Amegah invited me to baptize some new believers at his mission church. Here is a video of the baptism service. His members brought a drum and sang on the beach the whole time. What a privilege for me to be involved! Thanks to team member Jeff G. for shooting the video. Team member Randy C. led the closing prayer.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Update on Togo Mission Trip

We had a long day of work yesterday. 85 patients came through the eyeglass clinic, at least half of them being Muslim. All heard the Gospel personally and at least 40 prayed to receive Christ. This was in the yard of Pastor Nadjombe's house. So he was very excited.
We will work this plan again today. Some of the team will leave to go out into a village and present the Gospel. We are so blessed to have Samuel Avisse and Nike Ghoslain working as our interpreters. They are Africans who are full of the Spirit and who desire to see their countrymen saved.
We are sleeping under mosquito nets. That's a first for me. Lots of time in the van, back and forth. On Saturday, I will be baptizing five new believers at Pastor Shalom's church in Lome. They baptize in the ocean. That night, we will leave Togo to come home.
Thanks for your prayers!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First notice from Togo, West Africa. Five North Texas Cowboy's fans are unpacking tonight to begin a intense week of work here in Togo. Please pray for me, Randy, Dudley, Jeff and Jeff and for our Togolese brothers Samuel and Nyake. No difficulties in travel except for a de-icing delay in Paris. Worshipping with Africans tomorrow!